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TotalAV gratis nedladdning av antivirus: Omfattande skanning utan kostnad

TotalAV gratis antivirus

Are you looking for free antivirus and threat removal? Alongside our paid antivirus we offer a Fri version that will help you run a software scan and remove malware.

TotalAV’s powerful threat detection and advanced security features has won multiple awards and has earned its place as a leading antivirus software provider. The free version of TotalAV brings you the essential tools you need, making it the perfect starting point for anyone looking for reliable antivirus protection.

Choosing a free antivirus if you need basic protection might be the best choice for you and certainly better than no protection at all.

Viktiga funktioner i TotalAV Free Antivirus

✔ System Scan & Malware Removal

Already suspect your device might be compromised? TotalAV’s malware removal tool swiftly detects and eliminates infections, restoring your system to peak performance.

✔ Performance Optimization

Free up disk space, remove unnecessary files and boost your device’s speed with TotalAV’s built-in optimization tools.

✔ Ease of Use

TotalAV Free Antivirus boasts an intuitive dashboard that’s easy to navigate, making it a top choice for both tech-savvy users and beginners.

TotalAV Scanning Mobil

Hur man laddar ner TotalAV Free Antivirus

Getting started is really quick and easy. Here are the steps to follow to install TotalAV:

  1. Besök den officiella webbplatsen - Gå vidare till TotalAV webbplats för att ladda ner gratis antivirusprogram.
  2. Registrera dig för ett gratis konto - Skapa ett konto med din e-postadress för att få tillgång till din personliga TotalAV-kontrollpanel.
  3. Hämta och installera - Efter att du har registrerat dig hämtar du programvaran och följer installationsanvisningarna för att få TotalAV att fungera på din enhet.
  4. Kör din första skanning - När du har installerat programmet kör du din första systemskanning för att identifiera och eliminera eventuella befintliga hot.

If you need assistance installing TotalAV for your device, you can visit our Help Centre article här.

Vad kan du förvänta dig av den kostnadsfria versionen?

The TotalAV free version provides a full Smart Scan of your device, checking for Malware and Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUA’s). Allowing you to quarantine and remove any possible threats. Within the scan, there is optimisation detection built-in which looks for Junk Files, Duplicate Files and Tracking Cookies. You can then choose to click into each of these categories and have visibility into any unwanted files.

TotalAV Windows Smart Scan
TotalAV Windows Free User Smart Scan

Junk Files – You can view the Cached Files, Log Files or the Trash Files that can be safely cleaned from your device.

TotalAV Windows App

Windows TotalAV Junk Files

TotalAV Mac App

TotalAV Mac Junk Files

Duplicate Files – The Duplicate Files are organised by size and you can view any files that are using up un-necessary disk space.

TotalAV Mac App

Mac Duplicate Files TotalAV

Startup Programs – TotalAV will tell you which applications are set to run automatically when you turn your computer on, and you can choose to turn these off.

Dataintrång – the smart scan will check your email address against known data breaches and alert you to any instances that could indicate your login information is at risk.

While the free version of TotalAV provides the ability to perform malware scans, upgrading to the premium version unlocks Real-Time Protection, keeping you constantly protected without needing to run manual scans. The paid version also allows you fully utilise all of these optimisation features and complete the cleanup within the app detection itself.

Upgrading to Premium for Complete Peace of Mind

If you’re looking for a no-cost solution to protect your devices from viruses and malware, TotalAV Free Antivirus is an excellent choice. It’s perfect for users who want basic protection with the option to upgrade as their needs evolve. 

Upgrading your TotalAV protection gives you:

  • Skydd i realtid för maximal säkerhet - TotalAV:s intelligenta skanningsmotor ser till att virus, skadlig kod och spionprogram upptäcks och sätts i karantän innan de kan skada systemet.
  • Tillgång till funktioner som försvar mot utpressningstrojaner och förebyggande av nätfiskebedrägerier.
  • Förmågan att skydda flera enheter i hela ditt hushåll.
  • Data Breach Alerts to be immediately alerted if your information has been compromised as part of a hacked data breach

Upgrading your account can be done very easily within the app or using the TotalAV website.

TotalAV Kom igång
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